儘管我沒有德國哲學家尼采( Nietzsche )的文筆和才華,然而,我和他卻不約而同地著迷於瑞士東南方的小村落 Sils Maria ─ 差了將近一個世紀多。
尼采曾說Sils Maria是地球上最迷人的村莊( It is the most charming village on earth),我則以為這裡是我心中想要逐年拜訪之地;尼采曾長住此地完成哲學史上最著名的書籍之一《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》(Also sprach Zarathustra),村落裡還有一棟他居住過的小房子,而我只不過來到Sils Maria 兩回,用我僅有的視野記錄著這裡,兩者成就差別之大,已經不是天與地可以形容,然而,我卻很慶幸尼采於西元1883年來此地居住時看到的風景應該和2013年我到訪時看到得一樣。
我沒讀過尼采的文章,他只是我高中課本裡的一個陌生詞組,多年後,一部名為星光雲寂( Clouds of Sils Maria) 的電影讓我得以重新複習這位哲學家的名字,但是,也就僅止於尼采兩個字而已,有繁星、有湖光、有霧雲的日子裡,Sils Maria 絕對不寂寞,我肯定相信再回到 130 年前,尼采會認同我的說法的。
也許是我少見多怪,又或許是Sils Maria是我對遠方自助旅行的情感投射,所以星光雲寂這部電影吸引了我,或者說,我把電影中每一幕有關Sils Maria週邊的湖光山色都擷取出來,甚至請教我的瑞士好友(也住 Sils Maria )每一個場景的切確地名,只為了讓自己在回答別人「瑞士不是去過了三次為什麼還要去」之類的疑問時,我能有更堅強的理由回答。
若您想要Sils Maria健行、騎單車、爬山、旅遊的相關資訊,可以告知我,我會很樂意分享給您。
@以下為按照電影時間軸擷取的每一個有關Sils Maria 的風景,每一個景點都標示地名。
↑View from "Marmoré" to Maloja
↑View from "Piz Lunghin" to Val Bregaglia. Behind the damm from Albigna
↑Maloja with Val Forno on the right side
↑Casaccia, first village in Val Bregaglia after the Maloja Pass
↑Maloja situated in Upper-Engadin, but it's a village to Val Bregaglia
↑Val Fex "La Motta"
↑Marmoré again, quiet place over Sils Maria
↑View from "Grevasalvas" to Sils Maria with the half ile
↑Val Forno, a alley next to Val Fex
↑The fog named "Malojasnaggle"
↑Sils Baselgia with Silsersee, view from Plaun da Lej
↑Hotel Waldhaus, on the top you can see "Marmorée"
↑Hiking-Trail to "Cad'Starnam". Behind you can see Maloja
↑View from "Marmoré" to Maloja. Marmoré was the favorite place of Nietzsche
↑This is situated in "Ca' Starnam", behind you see the mountains: on left Piz Duan, in the middle Piz Lunghin and right in the for is Piz Grevasalvas
↑The tipical "Malojasnag" comes always in autumn from Val Bregaglia
↑ Skiclubhous over "Blaunca". View in direction to Val Fex.
↑View from "Plaun Grand". A place over Grevalsalvas (Heidi-Village)