或許妳也發現了,最近我的Blog增加了背景音樂(若妳不是上班偷上網的話,妳應該會知道我放的是什麼歌,啥?妳公司電腦沒喇叭?好,沒關係,我跟你保證絕對不會是中文歌),雖然我以前常被那種突然蹦出音樂且又找不到音樂關閉按鍵的Blog嚇到(也不喜歡那種blog),但念在我平時沒做啥善事也沒燒多少香的份上(鬼月到了,讓我惡補一下),我把一些覺得不錯的歌當作背景音樂(也能是我很主觀認定好聽),且附上歌詞跟相關網頁,希望妳能給我4分鐘,我給你好音樂。記得→當有新的southern image文章出現時,那就代表換新背景音樂了。聽了之後有感想與靈感或是很賭爛都歡迎回應。
P.S. 若要把音樂關掉,從畫面左下方的Media Player 處就可以暫停了,有時網路連結較慢,聲音會慢點出來,That's all.

Southern Music第一首是Bonnie McKee的I Hold Her,很美的聲音,相信我!

Smokey is my apple
And green are my eyes
Silent is snowfall
I whispher goodbye
Farewell to the child
That I use to be
I hold her she's sobbing
My baby...

The wolf and the lion
Have asked me to play
Though she told me not to
I went anyway
A pile of matches
The truth at my feet
I hold her she's sobbing
My baby...

The cream in my tea
Spells out something to me
And they say
That I'll heal by the day
But, the message I give
Kills off all will to live
I'm afriad that I'm losing my way

Burning in heaven
My destiny lies
When she read my stars
She didn't mention that night
I loved you, my Bambi
I don't want to leave
But, I hold her she's sobbing
My baby...

I hold her she's sobbing
I hold her she's sobbing
I hold her she's sobbing
My baby...


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